Copyright Information

The web site is a compilation of intellectual properties belonging to or licensed to Naknek Design Studio.

The "" logo, Visit Bristol Bay... Something to talk about!, and the circular "" logo are trademarks of Naknek Design Studio.

Each individual HTML page and each individual element contained therein is either the copyrighted property of Naknek Design Studio or is used with permission or under license. All rights in these intellectual properties are specifically reserved. Copying, publication, and/or distribution of any HTML page, any collection of HTML pages, or any element contained on any HTML page is strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of Naknek Design Studio. Preparation of derivative works is specifically prohibited without permisson. Unauthorized duplication in any form is a violation of applicable state and Federal laws and will be prosecuted.

For inquiries regarding copyright issues or licensing, contact Customer Service at is provided by Naknek Design Studio.
Naknek Design Studio
PO Box 400
King Salmon, Alaska 99613